Hotel room booking

Information about your booking

Children up to the age of 3 in their own crib do not have to pay. Do not include these children in the selection.

Many of our rooms at the weekend are reserved for private or business parties, as they are located above the event location. The other rooms, which are located away from the event location, are displayed when the weekend is selected. During the week, we always release the room contingent about 2 months in advance to keep our rooms free for conference and group requests. For group requests, please use the contact form or write an email to It is therefore possible that if a period further in the future has been selected, no availability is currently displayed.

For groups of friends and families there is also the possibility to book our large manor house apartment. However, this apartment cannot be booked online, but only by request. Please use the contact form or write an email to This apartment has 4.5 double rooms, but only one bathroom. The manor house suite can also be integrated.

There are certain minimum-stay rules for public holiday weekends and Easter. Therefore, rooms may not be displayed for shorter selected periods.

A booking code for the use of company rates, group codes or other discount codes is entered at the end of the payment screen.

There is a link at the very end of your booking email where you can cancel your booking. Please take note of the cancellation conditions listed in the booking confirmation.

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Mo-Su 10.00 - 18.00 Uhr

1818 Estate Restaurant

Mo-Fr from 17.30 Uhr
Kitchen open until 21.00 Uhr
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays closed


We are currently in our winter break!


Draiser Hof
Erbacher Str. 26-28
65346 Eltville-Erbach
Phone +49 6123-79071-0

Phone +49 6123-601930